The LIMBITLESS Podcast is centered around exactly that, being LIMBITLESS. Hunting, fishing, fitness, nutrition, adventure, disabilities. What may be covered during the LIMBITLESS Podcast will be well, limitless.
Host, Aaron Ritter, is the founder and CEO of LIMB-itless Outdoors, avid-outdoorsman and a US Navy combat veteran and lower-limb amputee. Join Aaron and his many guests as they conquer obstacles in life and the outdoors.
Hunt Series: Non-Resident Archery Elk - Part 5 of 7
The elk hunt is nearly upon us. In Part 5 of 7 of this Hunt Series we open up our packs and talk about the gear we will be hauling into the backcountry and surviving with. We try to refrain from falling down any rabbit holes or straying from the intended topic, but sometimes the wind shifts or the thermals require a hunter to shift his direction. LOL
With less than a month before departing the trail head, we are down to the final stages of preparation and anticipating the execution of the hunt.
If you have any questions about the gear we are using or how we use it, feel free to reach out via social media via DM, hit me up on YouTube, or email me.
"Adventure through discomfort is a life of uncommon experiences."
If you have comments, questions or concerns, or you have an idea or request for an episode or series topic, please contact host Aaron Ritter at
You may find all things LIMB-itless at
Information regarding the A3G Initiative may be found at
IG: @limb_itless_outdoors
IG: @a3g_initiative
FB: @LIMB-itless Outdoors
FB: @A3G Initiative
YouTube: @LIMBitlessOutdoors
Podcast Sponsors: (codes available during podcasts)
- Hunting Day Coffee: 10%
- Phelps Game Calls: 20%
- On Point Adventure Foods: 10%
- Vortex Optics: 25%
- Wilderness Athlete: 20%
- The Love Sauce: 10%
- STICKIT Gear: 20%